Şirnea is a village with hills and traditional houses, with cobbled streets, with access roads to courtyards made of grass, with spectacular views of the mountains, with fir forests and many trails for casual hikers, mountaineers or bike enthusiasts, from small at sea
If you are passionate about cycling, you should know that Şirnea has gained popularity in this regard and is already very well known for the cycling routes you can do.
There are variants for all tastes, difficulty levels, ages or preferences. If you don’t have a bike, you’ll find rental options here, including e-bikes.
If you want to do this sporting activity in a group, you should know that excursions are periodically organized and you can check their schedule here.
You have several types of trails you can do, including custom or enduro trails.
You will pedal on the valleys and hills, through the Piatra Craiului national park, past the traditional Romanian houses taken from a catalog of the Village Museum, you will admire the beauty of the place and you will relax and recharge with energy.
Cycling is also very healthy as it keeps your heart in good condition, strengthens your immune system and will help you sleep better. Imagine doing this in a place forgotten by the world, without traffic and congestion, on a route that does nothing but lead you into the heart of nature.
There are many options for those leaving from Sirnea, we recommend you to opt for buses to the neighboring villages: Peștera, Măgura, Fundatica, Cheile Grădiștei. All of this is very well connected, marked and thought out so that you can see as many aspects of the unreal beauty of the place as possible.
In total, there are 9 ecotourism trails in the area, all very well documented here. Any of them can also be traveled by bicycle.
We wish you pleasant and relaxing pedaling on our hills, to enjoy what you see and appreciate the beauty of nature even more!